10 feb 2013


Dissabte a la Social de Palafrugell. Tenia els meus dubtes si aquest 2013 aniria a alguna cursa social de carretera però al final m'he animat i he assistit a la Social de Palafrugell. Si bé l'any passat vaig anar a les curses de Tarragona aquest any torno cap a Girona. La cursa d'uns 80km transcorria per boniques carreteres del Baix Empordà, això si ben acompanyats d'una bona Tramuntana. Al km 25 el vent fa de les seves i el grup es trenca i jo quedo ben desplumat, a partir d aquí, formar un bon grup per acabar un bon Dissabte de ciclisme. Al final. 2h18' per 79km. Diumenge pròxim Banyoles (si les ganes acompanyen).
Saturday I raced on a Social (pre-season) race in Palafrugell. I was thinking on race in Social races during this 2013 season, finnaly I decided to race in a pair of them. The saturday race was in Palafrugell, and the parcours was thru the wonderful roads of l'Empordà. The race was bout 80km, we suffered from strong wind and on 25km I was dropped from the head of the course. From this point to the end a group was formed and I could enjoy a good cycling Saturday morning. I finish the race in 2h 18' for 79km. Next Sunday , race in Banyoles

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