28 feb 2013

Transpyr Road 2013

Si tot va bé hi tornarem. Un servidor ja ha formalitzat la inscripció de la Transpyr Road Adventure que es durà a terme del 6 al 13 de Juliol. Per davant, hi trobem 8 etapes d'entre 118 i 167km que ens duran del Mar Mediterrani al Mar Cantàbric. Les etapes transcorreran per carreteres insòlites amb la guia del GPS on hi trobarem el seu respectiu tram cronometrat. La Transpyr serà sense dubte la data clau en el calendari d'un servidor.
I hope to back this season. I have been registered to the 2013 edition of the Transpyr Road Adventure that will be held from July 6th to 13th. This challenge consist in 8 stages with an average of 140km that will join the Mediterranean Sea to the Cantabric Sea thru solitaire roads with the aid of a GPS track. In each stage we will find a timed segment. The Transpyr Road Adventure will be a key date on my calendar

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