17 feb 2013

Trofeo Laigueglia 2013

Sirotti via Cyclingnews. Vistes de la Liguria, on ahir es va disputar el Trofeo Laigueglia. Si bé el context actual fa que el ciclisme busqui escenaris cada vegada més exòtics, la temporada 2013 ja s'ha iniciat al vell continent.
* al final servidor no s'ha posat dorsal a Banyoles, però ha gaudit d'un gran diumenge ciclístic de 138km
Sirotti via Cyclingnews. Liguria roads, where yesterday was held the Trofeo Laigueglia. Althought, in the actual economic context pro cycling is looking for new exotic roads to race, the 2013 road pro season has started in Europe.
*I haven't race in Banyoles. However, I could enjoy a great Sunday cyclist morning of 138km

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