25 mar 2013

La Volta 2013

Aquest passat Diumenge vaig estar passejant per l'arribada a Barcelona de la última etapa de La Volta 2013. Si bé aquest any no he pogut seguir la volta tot el que voldria, crec que ha estar una gran edició. La participació ha estat a un gran nivell, el recorregut era dur a la vegada que atractiu i és que  és difícil veure passar una cursa ciclista per etapes per uns Pirineus plens de neu. M'agradat veure que, tot i el context actual, hi ha gent que arrisca i fa la feina ben feta com és el cas de  Sumattory. La marca Ceretana ha estat l' encarregada de vestir als líders de les diferents classificacions de la cursa. Espero que aquest sigui l'inici d'una llarga colaboració.
Last Sunday I could walk thru the "paddock" of the last stage of La Volta in Barcelona. Altought I couldn't follow the development of this one-week race as I would like, I liked what I could saw. Great roster that rode at great level and tough parcours with impresive landscapes, It isn't easy to see a cycling race crossing the Pyrenees covered by cm's of snow. In addition I have to say that I liked to see that, even in this tough times, people still want to work hard and develop their ideas, this is the case of Sumattory. Sumattory, a premium cycling brand based in the Pyrenees, has provided the leader jerseys for the leaders of their different classifications. I hope that this will be the only the start

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